Wednesday, June 3, 2009



Saturday, February 21, 2009

hello hello hello!
i think you have saw what i did to my blog (: lol, cause it sucked, anyway, I QUIT MY BLOG! but you can still link me or slash my link. oh and, add me on facebook! (: adele chiang is my name.


Friday, February 6, 2009

bored like hell


Saturday, January 24, 2009

hello hello hello! (: i know i haven't been blogging in a loooong
time(: its cause facebook is much much much much much more fun then
blogging. but i'll still keep this blog going on (: but i doubt that anyone will tag much
except for some nice nice nice ppl like sarah, armanda and a few others that are close to me (:
the class blog is quite active though. goona post there l8r after this, pls pls pls join facebook!
i love facebook (:


Saturday, January 17, 2009

can't believe it (:
sarahs on her 200th post and im on my
39 post (: how lame (: lols now is like 10am
and no one is online except kevin and
he doesn't even reply to anything so i'll
just have to talk to..... THE ROBOT!
hahas, im so lame i hate my blog -_-
like no one tags except for a few ppl
and im not blogging too (: hahas,
maybe now i can only post 1once
a week cause.... PSLE... durhhs (:
well, goona watch the miracle
worker on youtube now, its soooo nice
