Friday, October 24, 2008

this is
i got 66
for my english
test :( wow
thats lame :)
I'M lame (:
lols. anyway
ppl, i don't feel like
linking right now
so i wil link all
the people that ask
me to link them soon
like maybe.....
next year.. JKJK
of course not er...
maybe tmr when i
am in a better moood
now waiting for.... actually i don't know
so little ppl online
onli like 4 or 3
anyway. i totallk agree with KS
who this all the
should create a nice
class blog
to chat and stuff
with no super boy or
super girl stuff
so everyone can use
it. not like only girls
or only boys.
like that then not fun liao
anyway, just to say i do not like
min yi and he does not
like me.... OK??
anyway that is just to
clarify things. going to play
my own shtuff


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