Thursday, November 27, 2008

doing this quiz.
credits go to kaishyan
me to do this
quiz. at least its
not the looong
one that kaishyan and
sarah did (:

Today is
friday. ballet!

I should be
doing ballet

The last message I received was from

And it said

I would love to see
my hit counter hit 100000000000000000000

If I could change one of my attitude, it would be
My lack of Intelligence.

After school I love to
stand on the table and shout yipee

My favorite subject is

I liked yesterday because
i had ballet from 8.30-12

But I sort of didn't because
i wanted it to last longer

My favorite song right now would have to be
7 things

I sometimes forget to
go to school (:

I currently have a crush on

My favorite number(s) would have to be

When I am in a bad mood
I sleep

I really cant stand

I'd break up with my boyfriend/girlfriend right away if
i have one

If I were to get stuck in a elevator with someone, it would have to be
a electrition

I'd really like to improve my grades on

The last thing I bought with my own money is
oreo ice blended $1.70

The name of the district where I live in
why should i be telling you this

I have never ridden
an helicopter

If I won the lottery, the first thing I would buy is
more money (:

One bad habit of mine is
i hate work

I go to school in

I study there because
im forced 2

One friend who is not from my school
dion (:

I am currently stress because
im bored and want to do something

The 10 victims you wish to target are
anyone who wants to do this

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