Friday, November 21, 2008

feeling much more LESS emo then yesterday (: to all 6RESPECTIANS next year! lets start a class blog! highlighted that cause felt like
slapping everyone who still won't respond to me(:
no offence though. (: bored bored bored....
still haven't completed my holiday hw!i know its kinda
early but.... justin 0oi finished his and suhita finished
most and.... i feel so guilty cause i haven't done yet =.=
loser right? hahas. someone tell me what to do
with the holidays. i ALMOST feel like going back to
school. at least i have something to do and have a purpose
in my BORING life. i will not be posting from the 18-28+
of december cause i am going to brisbane! (: yipee,...
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee some fun at last
i am goona go widd my daddy, mummy,
sister, aunty, uncle and cousin who is
a guy and he is called michael.
but,,,,, p3 only =.= so no one to really PLAY
with. just play boring games like
snap?!! =.= thats the only card game
my sister knows how to play well.
she can't even play stress? cheat? taiti?
well, me too (: lols. so evil right...
waiting for my daddy and mummy to
come back cause they both go take back our
new full HD LCD 40 inch
tv. yipeee watch in comfort now. (:


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