Thursday, November 27, 2008

surfing videos on youtube now
no one online except for ppl
who never reply like.....
kevin, and ROBOTS
how lame is that?!!
so i m not going to post
that long also. my holiday hw
is coming along nicely,
at least i STARTED... lols.
but there is so much! like 75 questions
so i will probably take the whole holiday
complete it =.=
anyways, will be replying
the tags in a weird way waaaaay
down below. so just continue reading
so lets decide on the class blogs name first
i will put whatever concerns the class blog
in red so as to catch youur
attention better. if its
hard to read, please notify me asap
so that i will be able to change it
or you will just have to suffer in
silence. muhaaaa
i think im beoming more
quiet. i just think that
keeping quiet is so much better then
talking. so weird right?
even my rreplies to the tags
are so short and straight to
the point. no more
grandmother stories (:

adele(:: OVERLOAD OF TAGS!!!
reply: =.=
j0celyn: tag mii back kays
reply: tagged
New York: n nice hair cut.haha
New York: nice new blog skin
New York: hey Adele
reply: thanks.
Cheryl: Hey Adele(: Nice blogskin. And I think Kai Shyan was the personn who thought of the idea though-.-'
reply: =.= opps
sarahling: Minyi, mrs chew still can collect wad, she doesnt need to teach us. anyways, maybe the new teacher will collect??? maybeeeeeee.
reply: i dun think so.
minyi: like u are goin 2 hand up 2 mrs chew
minyi: oi homework dun nid do lar
reply: maybe u r right. but to be safe....
sarahling: aiyah, dun emo liaos......
reply: im trying =.=
Zhenqii;]: heyys girlfriendd! the idea 0f startinq a class bl0q is s0 c00l;))
reply: i know
sarahling: OH and, check mine out, i've got 11 songs in my music xP
reply: so many?
sarahling: btw, i like the music xD
sarahling: hey, ur cravings... so little mehh?
reply: more. will add in time
adele(:: erm... the look me in the eyes by the "jonas brothers" is NOT the original singer but they are quite good anyway....=.=
reply: walaos =.=
ALEFIYAHH=D!: 0uhh !! niice skiin ! hahas . loveeees xD and niice haiir tuhh ! hahas =d
reply: thanks.

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