Tuesday, December 30, 2008

just wanted to tell you people that (:
hahas, oh and will be seeing you ppl
soon on friday! *sob* p6 life will be
horrible (in my opinion)! so
scary, PSLE. im so scared that
i think if i go to school i must
sit on a wheel chair or my legs will
just keep trembling like mad (:
hahas, lols. :] going to reply some
tags now,

sarahling: heyyos, happy new year's eve, & tmr will be 2009 liao. see you soon (:
reply: yeah! can't wait to see you too (: missed you loads! happy new years eve to you too!

reply: hahahahaha, you so cute (:

nameless: hello...
reply: i don't know why you are nameless?!! but hello anyway (:

ok, back to posting (: this is the new skin
i was talking about one post ago, pls comment
on cbox(: i am sooooo in love with twilight(:
its the nicest booook on earth, oh except the
rest of the twilight saga, its sooooo nice,
now you know what VCD you want to get me
(: hahas, cause,.... *scary music plays*
"i haven't watched the movie"! nooooo
how can that be??? thats horrible, i envy
armanda soooo much, actually she wanted
to go watch with me at tampines on wednesday
(today) but *scary music plays-AGAIN* i have't
finished school homework -_- drats , missed
a good chance, still despreately trying to
finish up now (: HAHAS, ok, going to
a movie web and try and watch the nice
scenes now, cya in sch real soon!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

yipeeeeeee! IM BACK!
home sweet home..... i just came
back from asutralia-brisbane.
so apologise for the lack of posts
(: hahas.... i think im going to
change my skin. sorry not going to
post about the holidays- YET.
so sorry if i ask you to read then
i never post -_-" hahas, thanks
for coming anyway.... tag please!
and this youtube person who
posts videos is so nice, just go to
this link
gtg, TTYL!


Monday, December 15, 2008

just some photos i took! too bad none
of the cakes are mine, mine is
one super super chocolaty one!
since, I LOVE CHOCOLATE so much!
ok i'll reply tags soon (: but i just so
lazy lehhs, (: well, i'll just do
a short summery, yes sarah!
you're the sweetest! (: hahas,
armanda: i'll miss you too!
ray nese aka' newyork!
ok! i'll tag you my email (:
ok done,much simpler then
copy paste copy paste (: oh yeahs,
my birthday was FUN! i went with
my mom and sis to tampines mall,
then ate some pizza and then we
watches BOLT!. i love him. so cute
rhino the hamster was like
so obviously bolts #1 fan! im also (:
hahas, actually i thought penny was
going to *gasp*die! but... ohwell,
she didn't hahas, then went to buy my cake,
then took a train and a bus back
saw some cool cakes (photos above)
but didn't buy them cause not chocolaty
enough for me! (: hahas, im so chocolaty
(: ok, hiatus for quite a long time!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

go watch this video, its armanda's
blog song so credits go to her ok??
haha, just go watch, very very very
nice. armanda, where did you find this
song! to die for! (:
quiz from armanda's blog.
i love her song! i think its called
pictures of you pictures of me (:
so nice, well, here goes the quiz!
oh man, i just feel so LAZY to do
it now. maybe later ok armanda?
hahas, sorry lor.... twinnie! going
overseas soon... will miss you and
sarah marmie! (: hahas, going to check
the class blog now visit also yeahhs?!
shai-ann:D: your wanted taggie!(: love the blog.... try to post more instead of
replying to tags though.... you could always reply in the tagboard! see ya!
reply: yeah thanks for the taggie! maybe i will try ok?

minyi got the link wrong. its 6respect-worldz.blogspot.com (:
reply: ok! i
also saw your sms! cool blog!

minyi: http://www.6repsect-worldz.blogspot.com/
minyi: is
6respect-worldz wan pass sms me
minyi: i cr8 class blog liao
minyi: wat
will be the class blog web name i go cre8 nthin do
minyi: lol so lazy
reply: yeah ok. i saw the class blog already and i know the password liao,
sarah smsed me

sarahling: hey adele i cant hear ur music, its not
playing but anyways, ermmmms, NUER SO BAD ORH! THINKING OF VIOLENT THINGYS. (:
reply: hahas! can't help it mah. so evil (: anyway, yeah i know about the
music, i will try and change soon....

done replying tags!
yay! now so happy have class blog!
if you want to know what
the link is, you can check my links
for the link. rmb to tag but pls
no spamming to us ok?
hahas, if any more 6respect ppl
still dunno the username and
password then can sms me,
sarah, minyi or any other ppl
in 6respect who know the user
name and password... hahas,
now at my cousins house, tmr
my bday! (: yay, 15december, :]
finally here at last, a whole YEAR
of waiting and its here! (: haha!
yesterday was the crestar school
concert! so fun! the dressing room
so tiny not like the UCC on so BIG!
(childaid) haha, russian i did ok,
fly me also so so. i hope mrs cheng
won't present the certificate of
childaid to me infront of the whole school!
but atleast kaiying also, all my other
childaid ppl on their own! muhahahahaha
so i hope this is counted as a lloong enough post!
and sorry ppl cannot go my hse tmr
cause leaving for holiday in australia soon
so my house is chaos and packing is in
progress! maybe when i come back ok?
cya! wish me happy bday! (: JKJK :]
lols, byeeeeeeeeeeee!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

ALEFIYAHH=D!: hell0hhs ! taqqed =D loveees ! tuhh rmb tuhh taqq backk uhh ! THANKS !
reply: yeah, will tag you back after this post!

sarahling: OMGOMG! wad happened to armanda's bloggg? O:
sarahling: ADELE! go my new blog...me&alefiyah! www.sweetiepies-love.blogspot.com (: HURRY!
reply: i tagged! oh and yeah! dunno why, maybe she will fix when she comes back.....

nikk:D: heyyas tagged.YOUR IT YOUR IT!! *jumps up and down*
reply: pooh! i tagged you even better. *cringes* haha, XD go see!

haha, i replied some tags upthere.
drats, tmr have rehersal for
ballet concert at victoria,
so nervous!! i always like that one,
b4 so nervous then when performing
so like relax then feel like jumping
around like a madwoman! XD
was talking to alefiyah but should
not post our conversation cause
very looooong, this post is so
neat! look at the line where i spacing!
oops, went out of the line! (: hahas...
well, going to watch little nyonya now,
but all the people so evil i cannot
stand it anylonger! i want to pluck out
all their hair and pluck out all their heads with
a crane while they are still alove and
voiling in HOT water. opps,
now i say that everyone scared of me liao,
hahas! XD. well, so looooong!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

anyone knows what
happened to armanda's blog
pls inform me asap cause yesterday
++ when i tagged her her blog was
armanda(:: hell0hhs deariiee, pretayye, twinnie! tLYYY<3>:(
reply: (: hahas, sry. this time i did! yay me.

sarahling: okay armanda, put alrdy.. sms me loadds arhhh! & i want... cookie monster soft toyy(if can)
reply: on't say anything cause not to me

armanda(:: sarah-- i dhunno luhhs! in overseas marhhs. i think lahhs(: sorryys! when i come baxck to sin, i tag you loadds okayyys? anyways, i whann erhhs, ELMO!:D
reply: ditto--

minyi: u wan cr8 class blog then cr8 lar waitin 4 people cre8 arh?
reply: correct, so zhun

sarahling: armanda, WHY U CANT SEE MY TAGBOX? SO MANY PPL CAN SEE LEH.. even adele & alefiyah & others...
reply: yeah armanda,

armanda(:: oh yeah, this is to sarah, since i cannot see her cbox i cannot tag, --ILY marmiee, thanks for tags, and can come to my house:D
reply: ditto

New York: hey adele!!!Gimme ur email add k???
reply: ok. adelepinky@hotmail.com you can add me

sarahling: i believe its Mr akram. hey i havent STARTED on hw yet haha (: maybe i wan go someones hse to do... maybe whn armanda come back or i go ur hse? haha (: i sms u
reply: akram akram, that sounds familiar somehow....

sarahling: adele chiobuuuu, ily (:
reply: im so not chiobu, you are! (:

reply tags--done
check email--done
check facebook--done
post blog--doing now
tag people--done?

ok, back to posting my blog,
i think minyi is right, im going to create
a class blog whether you like it or not,
i nmaybe, lets say a few years time (:
lols. i just read this book not long
ago about a class, the aranged this
meeting twenty years from that day
to meet at the bottom of the ifel tower
{paris} after twenty years passed,
only a few remained, 1 was a poor man,
one was a rich wealthy tycoon and the
other one was a average working man with
a normal family, normal kids
and normal life, although the poor man
was poor, he was very happy and strong
although the rich man was rich,
he was very weak, the normal man
was well.......normal! (:
i was wondering which you guys would choose
to be, i think i would just chose to be the
normal person, just average would be
good, (: so sorry to make you read that
boring post. comments are
welcome on the tagboard,

Saturday, December 6, 2008

humbug; can't blog for long cause
my sister is pestering me to
let her watch stuff on youtube=.=
so DUMB. ): and now she is watching
every single WORD
i am typing. and she is asking me
to erase this. 0: lols. i was wondering
how far you guys have got
with your holiday hw so pls
tag on my tagboard about where
you are and how far you have got,
as for me, i am getting on badly,
like i am supposed to do my work now
but as you see, i am blogging (:
so un-hardworking =.=
talking to a few people on msn
now also. not much online
though. okay, my sister asks
me how long i am going to type
or is it until she falls asleep.
so =.==.==.==.==.==.=
right.... cya soon, when the dreaded
school has started with our
weird new teacher MR.(can't rmb his name)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

this is my 28 post .
Only. how lame is that??
my old blog had 300++
posts and now i only have 28.
=.= past few days have been so FUN
childaid!!! i don't think any of you know
what is that (: now for the replies
to all tags.

minyi: hello why u wan a class blog?
reply: just want. thought it would be fun (:

sorry other tags cannot reply first cause
need to go and shower =.=

iies girlfri