Monday, December 15, 2008

just some photos i took! too bad none
of the cakes are mine, mine is
one super super chocolaty one!
since, I LOVE CHOCOLATE so much!
ok i'll reply tags soon (: but i just so
lazy lehhs, (: well, i'll just do
a short summery, yes sarah!
you're the sweetest! (: hahas,
armanda: i'll miss you too!
ray nese aka' newyork!
ok! i'll tag you my email (:
ok done,much simpler then
copy paste copy paste (: oh yeahs,
my birthday was FUN! i went with
my mom and sis to tampines mall,
then ate some pizza and then we
watches BOLT!. i love him. so cute
rhino the hamster was like
so obviously bolts #1 fan! im also (:
hahas, actually i thought penny was
going to *gasp*die! but... ohwell,
she didn't hahas, then went to buy my cake,
then took a train and a bus back
saw some cool cakes (photos above)
but didn't buy them cause not chocolaty
enough for me! (: hahas, im so chocolaty
(: ok, hiatus for quite a long time!

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