Thursday, December 11, 2008

ALEFIYAHH=D!: hell0hhs ! taqqed =D loveees ! tuhh rmb tuhh taqq backk uhh ! THANKS !
reply: yeah, will tag you back after this post!

sarahling: OMGOMG! wad happened to armanda's bloggg? O:
sarahling: ADELE! go my new! (: HURRY!
reply: i tagged! oh and yeah! dunno why, maybe she will fix when she comes back.....

nikk:D: heyyas tagged.YOUR IT YOUR IT!! *jumps up and down*
reply: pooh! i tagged you even better. *cringes* haha, XD go see!

haha, i replied some tags upthere.
drats, tmr have rehersal for
ballet concert at victoria,
so nervous!! i always like that one,
b4 so nervous then when performing
so like relax then feel like jumping
around like a madwoman! XD
was talking to alefiyah but should
not post our conversation cause
very looooong, this post is so
neat! look at the line where i spacing!
oops, went out of the line! (: hahas...
well, going to watch little nyonya now,
but all the people so evil i cannot
stand it anylonger! i want to pluck out
all their hair and pluck out all their heads with
a crane while they are still alove and
voiling in HOT water. opps,
now i say that everyone scared of me liao,
hahas! XD. well, so looooong!

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