Wednesday, December 10, 2008

armanda(:: hell0hhs deariiee, pretayye, twinnie! tLYYY<3>:(
reply: (: hahas, sry. this time i did! yay me.

sarahling: okay armanda, put alrdy.. sms me loadds arhhh! & i want... cookie monster soft toyy(if can)
reply: on't say anything cause not to me

armanda(:: sarah-- i dhunno luhhs! in overseas marhhs. i think lahhs(: sorryys! when i come baxck to sin, i tag you loadds okayyys? anyways, i whann erhhs, ELMO!:D
reply: ditto--

minyi: u wan cr8 class blog then cr8 lar waitin 4 people cre8 arh?
reply: correct, so zhun

sarahling: armanda, WHY U CANT SEE MY TAGBOX? SO MANY PPL CAN SEE LEH.. even adele & alefiyah & others...
reply: yeah armanda,

armanda(:: oh yeah, this is to sarah, since i cannot see her cbox i cannot tag, --ILY marmiee, thanks for tags, and can come to my house:D
reply: ditto

New York: hey adele!!!Gimme ur email add k???
reply: ok. you can add me

sarahling: i believe its Mr akram. hey i havent STARTED on hw yet haha (: maybe i wan go someones hse to do... maybe whn armanda come back or i go ur hse? haha (: i sms u
reply: akram akram, that sounds familiar somehow....

sarahling: adele chiobuuuu, ily (:
reply: im so not chiobu, you are! (:

reply tags--done
check email--done
check facebook--done
post blog--doing now
tag people--done?

ok, back to posting my blog,
i think minyi is right, im going to create
a class blog whether you like it or not,
i nmaybe, lets say a few years time (:
lols. i just read this book not long
ago about a class, the aranged this
meeting twenty years from that day
to meet at the bottom of the ifel tower
{paris} after twenty years passed,
only a few remained, 1 was a poor man,
one was a rich wealthy tycoon and the
other one was a average working man with
a normal family, normal kids
and normal life, although the poor man
was poor, he was very happy and strong
although the rich man was rich,
he was very weak, the normal man
was well.......normal! (:
i was wondering which you guys would choose
to be, i think i would just chose to be the
normal person, just average would be
good, (: so sorry to make you read that
boring post. comments are
welcome on the tagboard,

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